Tuesday, February 19, 2013

A Little About Me

Well Hello!  This blog has been a long time coming - so time to get things started...

For those who do not know me, here is a little info to get you up-to-date:

I'm Katie and for as long as I can remember I have had a passion for art, makeup and skincare.  When I was younger, I would do my friends hair and makeup for school dances - then it was just fun for me, I never realized I was building a clientele base as well as planting a seed for my future.  Up until now I have been completely self taught - no formal training.  I actually have been going to school for something completely unrelated - Nursing.  But, I decided to make a change.  In life I feel it is very important to follow your dreams and to never let your passions die, and that is why I decided to take a break from Nursing School and follow my dreams.  Next month I will be starting an Aesthetics Program and I could not be more excited!  I plan on continuing my freelance work with makeup and girls night spa parties, finishing my Aesthetics program and eventually starting up a business of my own,  finish my Nursing education and combine both for a career that I will truly love.

About My Blog:
So now you are probably wondering what my plans are for my blog, right?  Well, I have a lot of them!  The most important of which is, I want to inspire.  I want everyone to know that beauty is truly on the inside, the outside is just for show.  But the outside controls the confidence of many, so if I can help you feel confident I hope that will allow you to let your true beauty shine <3 I have seen many tutorials online that are just so confusing, incomplete, or not that great - period, so my goal is to do everything on a very simple level. Facial How-Tos, Makeup Application tutorials, comparing products, product challenges - just to name a few. Eventually I will be posting videos as well, but I need my technology smart fiancé to show me how first (passion for beauty, not technology ha).  Also, sooner or later I will start doing giveaways - maybe products, maybe a personal session, maybe a girls night spa party, well see when the time comes!
I have a few product comparing and product challenges in the works, but let me know what you are interested in!  Is there something you saw in a magazine you want to learn how to do?  Is there a product you are interested in trying?  I'm up for it!  I am here to learn as well, so if there is something I haven't tried/done, I would love to try it and share it with you.

Girls Night Spa Parties:

Who doesn't enjoy a night in with girls?  Maybe an On-Demand a movie, have a few cocktails, lots of talking and laughter - oh and how about a facial?  What we like to do is take your girls nights and bring them up a notch with an at home facial treatment.  Want to make the night even more enjoyable?  We also have a Massage Therapist that can come along!  Yes, you can enjoy a full spa experience in the comfort of your own home and at a fraction of the cost!  Great for birthday parties, bachelorette parties, baby showers, or everyday get togethers. We have many different options and treatments available.  Contact me for information gorgeouschaosbeauty@gmail.com

Well, that’s it for now!  Like I said, I have a few things in the works right now so expect the next post soon! 

Stay Beautiful <3


  1. I am still working on my blog lay out as well! Still learning ha! <3

    1. You can do this! By the way I'm proud of you for following ur dreams and I have plenty of questions and comments too.
